[17] For example, dementia, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and Parkinson disease, which are common in the elderly, can worsen with highly anticholinergic drugs.[18]. Both versions of the GDS are in the public domain and freely available to the public, thanks partly to the U.S. government providing funding for its development. If your responses match the depression-related answers, you will score one point for each. Recent bereavement. Cross-titrating can be doneweaning the patient off the old antidepressant while introducing the new onealthough caution is needed to ensure that there are no interactions between the two antidepressants. Given the side effect profile and high rates of drug-drug interactions, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are not considered first- or even second-line agents for depression in the elderly. You may notice problems with Most of the recommendations made as part of the guidelines are evidence based. When selecting an antidepressant it is important to consider the elderly patients previous response to treatment, the type of depression, the patients other medical problems, the patients other medications, and the potential risk of overdose. This article has affiliate links. The available treatment options for management of depression can be broadly categorised into antidepressants, somatic treatments and psychosocial interventions. The GDS takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, depending on the version used. Validation of the Geriatric Depression ScaleShort Form among inpatients. Hence, every patient must be properly evaluated for suicidal behaviours. Cole MG, Elie LM, McCusker J, et al. At times, patients may present with significant changes in psychiatric status or emergence of new symptoms, which may warrant a diagnostic re-evaluation of the patient. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 1. Prevalence in community-based studies have varied from 8.9% to 62.16% and clinic based studies have estimated the prevalence of depression to range from 42.4 to 72%. Common side effects of SSRIs include nausea, dry mouth, insomnia, somnolence, agitation, diarrhea,excessive sweating, and, less commonly, sexual dysfunction. Blue Ash, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books. Hence, it is very important to recognise depression among elderly and manage the same. Psychoeducation of patients and family members must be integral part of all treatment packages. Their preliminary report was published in the journal of psychiatric research. Another important aspect of providing education is informing the patient and especially family about the lag period of onset of action of antidepressants. 15. Underlying organic factors need to be evaluated and if these are reversible (e.g., nutritional deficiencies), these must be addressed. If after 48 weeks, there is not at least a moderate improvement, a thorough review should be conducted, including of the patient's adherence and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic factors affecting treatment. Choice of antidepressant Depression is not just having "the blues" or the emotions . During the initial phase of treatment serum sodium levels may also be monitored, depending upon the presence of risk factors. Rather, it should prompt you to schedule an appointment with a mental health practitioner or physician to complete a more detailed and thorough evaluation of your mood. National guidelines for seniors mental health: The assessment of suicide risk and prevention of suicide. You smile but you have no smile, it is a movement of your mouth. It is most commonly defined as depression occurring in adults age 60 and over. The drug specific factors include the anticipated side effects, the safety or tolerability of these side effects for individual patients, cost, dosing schedule, type of formulations available and safety in overdose. Dr. Wiese, this is a perfect article for those of us who are elderly. In such a scenario, patient's preference must be respected. In 1983, Dr. Yesavage J. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2009;24:556-562. Depressive disorders are one of the common psychiatric ailments seen in elderly population. already built in. Other barriers to accurate diagnosis of depression among elderly include prevalent stigma and confounding effect of medical co-morbidity. Continuation and maintenance treatment for depression in older people. SMA-11-4631). Recent data from RCTs suggest that rTMS is equally effective in young and older (>60years) patients. There is lack of consensus on the age cut-off used to define late onset depression, with some of the authors considering the age cut-off of 60 years, whereas others define it as experiencing first episode of depression 65 years of age). When used, these must be used for shortest possible duration and the patients and the caregivers must be informed about the anticipated side effects and risks of over-sedation. What is the Difference Between An Abscess And An Ulcer? The principle of start low and go slow, must be adhered to and it must be remembered that elderly usually require lower doses of antidepressants than the adults. The same full antidepressant medication doses should be used. Symptoms like apathy, loss of initiative, social withdrawal and cognitive dysfunction (poor attention and concentration) are present in both the disorders. Clinical recommendations help family physicians make evidence-based decisions about treatment & prevention of disease. Institution of antidepressant therapy: While using antidepressants among elderly, it is important to take age related pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes into consideration (Table-10). Hence selection of antidepressant is guided by other features which can be broadly divided into patient specific and drug specific factors. The information contained herein is not sufficient to enable one to become proficient in delivering these treatments. Medical Journals. I hate that feeling. Garekar H, Grover S. Electroconvulsive therapy in the elderly: Anaesthetic considerations and psychotropic interactions. There is some evidence to suggest that clinical features of dysthymia in elderly differ from young onset in terms of higher prevalence of comorbid medical illness, presence of cognitive deterioration, and presence of frequent adverse life events and fewer depressive cognitions symptoms but similar neurovegetative and other somatic symptoms. The dose of antidepressants can be increased if patient compliance is good and there is no response during the initial 3 weeks of treatment. When psychotherapies are compared, the strongest evidence for effectiveness has been found for cognitive behavioral therapy, problem-solving therapy, and interpersonal therapy. Reminiscence therapy allows elderly individuals to share their stories and review their life, emphasizing identifying positive past events. Clinicians should also reassure patients that they may feel worse before they start to feel better. Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, et al. In the elderly it has been associated with better treatment outcomes and fewer side effects than medications. I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. When used the target serum levels of lithium for elderly must be in the range of 0.5 to 0.6 mmol/L and it need to be continued for a period of at least 1 year after achieving remission. 4. Psychological stress of having an illness, ensuing functional disability, and life changes necessitated by chronic illness may precipitate depression in susceptible individuals. IPT aims to improve the persons relationships with others by learning strategies to effectively communicate emotions and needs as well as problem-solve within a significant relationship. There is no consensus regarding the duration and when to give and when not to give maintenance treatment in elderly. JAMA 2005;294:1934-1943. Selection of an antidepressant medication should be based on the best side effect profile and the lowest risk of drug-drug interaction. Copyright 2022. If considering medication for older adults with depression, the panel recommends combining it with interpersonal psychotherapy. Accessed 8 October 2010.www.ccsmh.ca/pdf/CCSMH_suicideBrochure.pdf. Geriatric Depression (also known as Late-Life Depression, or LLD) is a subtype of depression characterized by changes in mood, lack of pleasure, and often somatic symptoms in older adults. A recent post hoc pooled analysis of three placebo-controlled trials suggests efficacy for the use of adjuvant aripiprazole in older adults with an incomplete response to standard antidepressant treatment, both in terms of a significant reduction of depressive symptoms and improvement in remission rates. corticosteroids, interferon), evidence for risk of development of depression with specific medications is inadequate and perhaps overstated. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Where-To-Go-From-Here/Linda-M-Feldman/9781476728315, Campbell, R., & Svensson, C. (2015). Adequate management of depression requires adherence to treatment plans. 28. However,. Mental status examination, including an assessment of cognitive functioning. Clinicians and patients should engage in shared decision-making to determine which intervention is right for each clinical situation. [31], Electroconvulsive therapy There is also a black box warning on atypical antipsychotics because of their association with an increased risk of death, largely due to cerebrovascular events, among elderly demented patients compared with placebo. Many other factors also contribute to TRD. Some of the studies suggest that patient's with Alzheimer's disease with depression display more self-pity, rejection sensitivity, anhedonia and fewer neurovegetative signs than non-demented depressed older patients. YES / NO, Do you think that most people are better off than you are? Accordingly, treatment adherence can be improved by informing the patients about when and how often to take medicine, lag period of onset of action (at least 3-4 weeks will be required for the beneficial effects to emerge), the need to take medication even after feeling better, the need to consultation prior to discontinuing medication, what is to be done in the face of side effects and what is to be done, in case of a problem. Previous depression. Among the various SSRIs, escitalopram and sertraline are considered to have minimal drug interactions and are considered to be safe in presence of wide range of physical illnesses. This comprehensive review allows the therapist to identify and work with one of the four problems areas focusing on specific themes that are commonly noted in older adults with depression: In the middle stages of treatment, the therapist and patient identify strategies to ameliorate the chosen problem area and improve the patients relationships, with the goal of reducing depressive symptoms. Yes/No, Do you feel that your situation is hopeless? The commonly reported side effects of ECT include an increased risk of falls, post-ECT delirium or dementia. Data also suggest that ECT is well tolerated in patients of old age depression even by subject aged more than 80 years of age. 3. Diagnostic challenges in the elderly often include the absence of depressed mood, significant cognitive impairment, and high degrees of somatic or physical problems. The therapist might also offer booster sessions for the patient to help solidify the skills and possibly prevent future episodes. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is recommended as a first-line treatment for psychotic depression in the elderly,[17] with a recovery rate of over 80% and a faster and fuller response compared to medication. Next step involves evaluation of the fact that patient has received adequate doses of the antidepressant medications for the adequate duration with good compliance. After further group discussion of the themes, the therapist helps group members consider alternative ways to view their memories and experiences, and how to move forward in life by accepting what happened in the past and developing a balanced, accepting story of ones life. I could write a book on what I have experienced having mental illness. to help authors and editors create and distribute accurate, clear, easily accessible reports of biomedical studies. Blazer D, Williams CD. Steffens DC, Nelson JC, Eudicone JM, et al. However, these guidelines should not be considered as a sustitute for professional knowledge and clinical judgment. The experts also give strong support to including appropriate psychosocial interventions (e.g., psychoeducation, family counseling, visiting . (2006). Maximizing the initial treatment regimen is perhaps the most conservative strategy. Depression In Elderly Treatment Guidelines stop depression tips If the decision is made to discontinue or terminate psychotherapy in the maintenance phase, it needs to be individualized as per the patient's needs. National guidelines for seniors mental health: The assessment and treatment of depression. The role of electroconvulsive and neuromodulation therapies in the treatment of geriatric depression. Elderly patients also require modifications of doses of anticholinergic, anesthetic, and relaxant agents in view of the physiological changes associated with aging. Geriatric depression is a mental and emotional disorder affecting older adults. I have lived with multi-diagnosis mental illness for many years. 4 0 obj For other patients, such as those in whom active psychotherapy is being conducted, the frequency required may be as high as multiple times a week. Thank you for supporting my website! xRn0?`#C)tXvj]CZN-KNshu{`0n. Physical examination and laboratory investigations in order to identify any medical problems that could contribute to or mimic depressive symptoms (e.g., hypothyroidism and anemia, leading to TSH, B12, and Hb testing being part of the workup). Primer Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) ("Evidence-based guidelines") are systematically developed statements to assist clinicians and patient in making decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. If you answer No to question 3, you will not give yourself a point. Due attention must be given to psychosocial factors which may be associated with onset, continuation/maintenance of depression among elderly. Antidepressants are effective in treating depression in the face of medical illnesses, although caution is required so that antidepressant therapy does not worsen the medical condition or cause adverse events. Is the geriatric depression scale a reliable screening tool for depressive symptoms in elderly patients with cognitive impairment? Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(2):CD001312. Some expert suggests that while switching, a drug with a different or broader mechanism of action should preferably be chosen. Below is the complete list of questions found in the GDS-30 (30-item questionnaire): Choose the best answer for how you felt over the past week. The primary goals of the CCSMH include: To ensure that Seniors' Mental Health is recognized as a The score-cut off and interpretation short form of the geriatric depression scale is as follows: A printable version of the GDS-15 can be found here. What can be done to increase the awareness of geriatric depression and resolving some of it. Epidemiology of dysphoria and depression in an elderly population. The second-generation antidepressant may also interact with other medications and this is carefully monitored. Such drugs can cause postural hypotension and cardiac conduction abnormalities. It is generally recommended that medication be continued at the same dose after remission of symptoms, in order to facilitate recovery and to prevent relapse. If moderate improvement is not evident even after 4-8 weeks of pharmacotherapy, then a thorough review with review of the diagnosis, complicating conditions and issues, and treatment plan need to be carried out (Figure-4). Quality of life is an important factor influencing mood. She is also a psychiatrist with the UBC Hospital Mood Disorders Centre, and the Geriatric Psychiatry Outreach Team at Vancouver General Hospital. Treatment Guidelines: Depression. The patient is usually the last to notice a change, and others often will tell the person that he/she looks better than before. In many elderly patients psychosocial issues like social isolation, neglect by the family etc contribute to the onset and or continuation of depression. Management of TRD involves either change of medication or augmentation of ongoing antidepressant medication. Depression is a true and treatable medical condition, not a normal part of aging. Among the various scales, GDS is the most well validated scale for use in elderly with intact cognitive functions. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000;8:232-236. Depression is Not a Normal Part of Growing Older . IPT is recommended for the treatment of depression in older adults. Selection of specific antidepressant is usually guided by the comorbid physical illnesses, possible side effects, the tolerability of these side effects for individual patients, patient preference, and concomitant pharmacotherapy. Screening for depression should be undertaken for any recently bereaved individual with unusual symptoms (e.g., active suicidal ideation, guilt not related to the deceased, psychomotor retardation, mood congruent delusions, marked functional impairment more than 2 months after loss, or a reaction seemingly out of proportion to the loss). Use Code GA20 for 20% off! Depression Treatments for Older Adults - American Psychological Association The Geriatric Depression Scale and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia can assist in diagnosis, while both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are options for management. You will keep going until you have scored all of your answers to the 30 questions. Summary Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or cholecystectomy first in patients with suspected choledocholithiasis? While switching to a second antidepressant, clinicians should remember that there is some evidence to suggest that venlafaxine may be useful in patients, who don't respond to initial pharmacotherapy. https://www.oxfordclinicalpsych.com/view/10.1093/med-psych/9780190662592.001.0001/med-9780190662592. Side effects of second-generation antidepressants are generally mild to moderate that can be tolerated or managed with over-the-counter remedies (e.g., headaches, nausea, drowsiness). Options include adding a second antidepressant medication from a different pharmacologic class, or adding another adjunctive medication such as lithium, psychostimulants, modafinil, thyroid hormone, an anticonvulsant etc. For a list of commonly used antidepressants and associated doses for older adults, see the accompanyingTable. The GDS-4 and GDS-5 versions have low reliability and fail to show clinical relevance for monitoring the severity of depressive episodes. Some patients may not be able to take care of themselves due to cognitive deficits. [1], The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is a well-validated screening tool for depression in the elderly that comes in two common formats: the 30-item (long form) and 15-item (short-form) self-rating scale. (2001). 8. If maintenance phase treatment is not indicated for patients who remain stable following the continuation phase, patients may be considered for discontinuation of treatment. 19. Roose SP, Sackeim HA, Krishnan KR, et al. Depression: Screening and Diagnosis | AAFP However, it is important to note that these are screening questionnaires/scales, and detailed interview will be required for confirming the diagnosis. Psychiatry Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) - PsychDB As in adults, there is some data to suggest that combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is better than monotherapies in the treatment of late-life depression. The ICMJE is small group of editors of general medical journals who first met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia, Judd et al described 2 subtypes of subsyndromal symptomatic depression (SDD) for minor depression as SDD with mood disturbance (minor depression) and SDD without mood disturbance. Bruce ML, Seeman TE, Merrill SS, et al. 3 0 obj sadness and grief are normal responses to life events that occur with aging such as bereavement; adjustment to changes in social status with retirement and loss of income; transition from independent living to assisted or residential care; and loss of physical, social, or cognitive function from illness (see "bereavement and grief in adults: Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Geriatric AcademyAll Rights Reserved. Gastrointestinal symptoms side effects with SSRIs are well known. Yes/No, Do you often feel downhearted and blue? Such tapering allows for the detection of emerging symptoms or recurrences when patients are still partially treated and can help in returning to full therapeutic intensity. Major depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Nonetheless, in recent years there is an increasing body of literature specific to the elderly (as referenced below), which helps guide the clinician in the appropriate prescription and use of antidepressants in this patient population. There is no evidence of an increase in suicidal ideation due to antidepressant use in the elderly.[21]. Antidepressant pharmacotherapy in the treatment of depression in the very old: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. It has been reported that women more often report mood-related symptoms when compared to men. Minor depression in elderly is associated with significant number of disability days and concomitant anxiety disorder. The poor response to treatment is usually attributed to the vascular component in the etiology of late onset depression. Many a times, elderly patients with depression present to the primary care to the physicians, who may require assistance of screening questionnaires to diagnose depression in elderly. It is in general suggested to be more common in elderly compared to young adult patients. Tricyclic antidepressants are lethal in overdose and are avoided for this reason. Now I am elderly, and my experience has been that many psychiatrists do not take this into consideration, especially with prescribing medicine. CBT focuses on how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are intertwined in everyday functioning and how changes in any one domain can lead to improvement in the others. IPT conceptualizes depression as consisting of three components: While IPT is not expected to have an impact on personality due to the short treatment duration, the interpersonal communication skills attained in treatment may mitigate the impact of ones personality difficulties on his/her relationships. The patient preference is another important consideration that may influence the decision to select ECT as a treatment modality. 12: Society of Clinical Psychology. The latest 2009 CANMAT national practice guidelines for the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults[28] recommend the use of atypical antipsychotic agents such as rispiridone, olanzapine, and aripiprazole as first-line add-on agents in the treatment of depression, while quetiapine is recommended as a second-line add-on agent owing to fewer studies. Minor depression was described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as a condition requiring further research to determine both diagnostic utility and criteria refinement. [22] In general, a 7- to 10-day tapering period is recommended for all antidepressants. YES / NO, Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you? Of themselves due to antidepressant use in the United States the available treatment for... Perhaps overstated Seeman TE, Merrill SS, et al for a list of commonly antidepressants! Sustitute for professional knowledge and clinical judgment ideation due to antidepressant use in the elderly: Anaesthetic and... Guidelines should not be able to take care of themselves due to antidepressant in. Intervention is right for each clinical situation S. Electroconvulsive therapy in the:... 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