For example, on SQL Server: GitHub Issue: #23163. This requires first loading the blogs and posts, and then moving the post from the navigation collection on one blog to the navigation collection on the other blog: A call to ChangeTracker.DetectChanges() is needed here because accessing the debug view does not cause automatic detection of changes. This is known as table-per-hierarchy (TPH) mapping. I (incorrectly) added my service as Transient, changing it to Scoped solved my issue. This is not intended to be a robust auditing solution. NRT usage is scaffolded automatically when NRT support is enabled in the C# project into which the code is being scaffolded. This could cause an application break if the application is relying on additional behavior coded into the getter or setter methods. Starting with 3.0, EF Core only creates one column for ShippingAddress. For example, consider this model with a mapped hierarchy: passing the returned Task to Task.WhenAny()) typically require that the returned ValueTask be converted to a Task by calling AsTask() on it. EF Core now allows an entity type to be mapped to both a table and a view simultaneously, so ToView is no longer a valid indicator that it should be ignored by migrations. The Put() method accepts two parameters: EmployeeID and Employee object. At a higher level, this means that either the DbContext of the factory can be injected into other D.I. For example: The Cosmos provider now logs more diagnostic information, including events for inserting, querying, updating, and deleting data from the database. By the way. Make sure that the dependent contains at least one required property, as described above. Savepoints are incompatible with SQL Server's Multiple Active Result Sets, and are not used. Insert Data in Disconnected Scenario in Entity Framework Core Concurrency control refers to specific mechanisms used to ensure data consistency in presence of concurrent changes. The interceptor then inserts these entities into the audit database. Therefore most ADO.NET providers create a pool of physical connections and rent them out to DbConnection instances as needed. Let's associate a post with a tag, but this time using a skip navigation: Notice that this code doesn't use the join entity. Starting with EF Core 3.0, EF Core will not try to parse the SQL. Therefore, severing a required relationship means that the dependent/child entity must be either re-parented to a new principal/parent, or removed from the database when SaveChanges is called to avoid a referential constraint violation. Prior to EF Core 3.0, the default behavior was PreferFieldDuringConstruction. Use a tracking query if identity resolution is required. SQL Server Temporal Tables. For EF Core: 3, 5, 6. EF Core tracks changes at the property level. Identity EF Core EF Core Instead, configuration for a many-to-many relationship is scaffolded: EF Core 6.0 now scaffolds an EF model and entity types that use C# nullable reference types (NRTs). Sqlite treats Default Timeout as a synonym for Command Timeout and so can be used instead if preferred. Before ASP.NET Core 3.0, when you added a package reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.App or Microsoft.AspNetCore.All, it would include EF Core and some of the EF Core data providers like the SQL Server provider. Action Filters Implementation. The previous behavior can be restored by using DeleteBehavior.ClientNoAction. before i created message, i have did dao.Get(userId) for both users. EF Core Power Tools is a Visual Studio extension that exposes various EF Core design-time tasks in a simple user interface. Update extensions to follow the new pattern. Starting with EF Core 3.0, the new FromSqlRaw and FromSqlInterpolated methods (which replace FromSql) can only be specified on query roots, i.e. What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET Standard Class Library project types? EF Core supports adding additional properties to the join entity type. Select OK. Set up Implementing Action Filters in Each side of the many-to-many relationship is related to this join entity with a one-to-many relationship. Specifying FromSql anywhere other than on a DbSet had no added meaning or added value, and could cause ambiguity in certain scenarios. One notable exception to this is SQLite, where migrations will rebuild the entire table with new column orders. Inside, the State property is set to EmployeeState.Modified. It was possible to change the discriminator value before calling SaveChanges. EF Core Note that this negates the allocation reduction that this change brings. Combining this with setting the cascade delete timing to Never will ensure cascade deletes never happen unless EF Core is explicitly instructed to do so. If you run into situations like this, please file an issue at on the EF Core GitHub issue tracker to let us know how you are using ILoggerFactory such that we can better understand how not to break this again in the future. (The FK value is considered null by EF Core even though it cannot really be null because the type is not nullable. This is the full-stack perf improvement, including improvements in the benchmark code, the .NET runtime, etc. These relationships can be manipulated by navigations instead of FK values, just as in all the preceding examples. Foreign keys are a good way to store and manipulate relationships in the database, but are not very friendly when working with multiple related entities in application code. Neither of these FK values need to be explicitly set by the application when manipulating relationships because their values come from the primary key properties of the related entities. Prior to EF Core 3.0, the default behavior was PreferFieldDuringConstruction. Only dictionaries with string keys are supported, Querying into the contents of primitive collections is not currently supported. Interceptors are registered per DbContext instance when the context is configured. For example, consider an enum where its default value is "Unknown": However, the database may have null values when the breed is unknown. EF Core 6.0 contains better support for GroupBy queries. Query tags allow adding a textural tag to a LINQ query such that it is then included in the generated SQL. Ok, i solved problems. Because of this state we also need a lock since the caching requires that same interceptor must be used by multiple context instances. You can view this article's sample on GitHub. The SaveChanges() method attempts to save the changes to the database. EF Core 3.0 does not support automatic client evaluation, since it was error prone as explained here. By default, EF Core maps an inheritance hierarchy of .NET types to a single database table. Startup time means the time to perform the first operation on a DbContext when that DbContext type is used for the first time in the application. EF Core If no rows are affected, a concurrency conflict is detected, and EF Core throws DbUpdateConcurrencyException. For a list of available providers, see Database Providers. However, the last ORDER BY clause is not necessary for EF generate the needed groupings, and can have an impact in performance. I have no idea what is wrong. After re-inserting the row Rainbow Dash, querying the historical data shows that the row was restored as it was at the given UTC time: EF Core migrations are used to generate database schema updates based on changes to the EF model. This can be useful for text searches involving non-string columns. Low-level database interception is split into the three interfaces shown in the following table. This change reduces the number of heap allocations incurred when invoking these methods, improving general performance. Before 3.0, when EF Core couldn't convert an expression that was part of a query to either SQL or a parameter, it automatically evaluated the expression on the client. So far all the examples have used a join entity type (whether explicit or implicit) that contains only the two foreign key properties needed for the many-to-many relationship. It did client evaluation when the SQL was non-composable like a stored procedure. You can use the DbContext.Database API to begin, commit, and rollback transactions. This change was made so that the version of SQLite used on iOS consistent with other platforms. An IDbConnectionInterceptor can be used to manipulate the DbConnection before it is used to connect to the database. Some or all of the entity's property values have been modified. All fixup and database changes happen as described in the previous section, including making the entity an orphan if the relationship is required. It will then return to the interceptor's Executed method after execution. EF Core 6.0 RC1 runs on Release Candidate 1 for .NET 6.0, which also has a go live license. Manually controlling transactions in this way is incompatible with implicitly invoked retrying execution strategies. EF Core Before EF Core 3.0, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design was a regular NuGet package whose assembly could be referenced by projects that depended on it. EF Core For other cases, foreign keys can be enabled by specifying Foreign Keys=True in your connection string. For example, consider an entity type with a Name property defined as a value object: A query can now be executed using Contains or FreeText even though the type of the property is Name not string. I was facing the same problem using Sqlite with a blazor .NET 6 application. Runtime information, such as the connection string, can then be examined and the correct model returned as needed. Starting with EF Core 3.0, using Include on an index is now supported at the relational level. This document describes cascade deletes (and deleting orphans) from the perspective of updating the database. This feature was contributed by @Giorgi. Updating many-to-many relationships Before EF Core 5.0, this join entity had to explicitly defined and mapped. It's also possible to manually manage savepoints, just as it is with transactions. This might pose a problem when attaching entities if they don't have an id property on the .NET type to store the value. For example, if only a single property value is modified, then a database update will change only that value. For example, calling context.Remove() to delete a principal entity will result in all tracked related required dependents also being set to Deleted immediately. For example: Which generates the following insert statements on SQL Server: Sometimes it is useful to have both a DbContext type and a factory for contexts of that type both registered in the applications dependency injection (D.I.) This change was made to align in-memory key generation more closely to real database key generation and to improve the ability to isolate tests from each other when using the in-memory database. For example, let's change the relationship between blog and posts to be required and then run the same code as in the previous example: Looking at the debug view after this change shows that: Notice that the Post.BlogId remains unchanged since for a required relationship it cannot be set to null. Delete In addition, MaxLength is used to limit the size of the database column. EF Core This is the full-stack perf improvement, including improvements in the benchmark code, the .NET runtime, etc. For EF Core: 3, 5, 6. Before EF Core 3.0, these method names were overloaded to work with either a normal string or a string that should be interpolated into SQL and parameters. EF Core Deployed applications shouldn't reference it. EF Core relies on database providers to implement support for System.Transactions. This change avoids breaking in the future when it becomes a valid thing to do. See Change Detection and Notifications for more information. The annotation name for type mapping annotations is now "TypeMapping". An 8x to 10x improvement like this stays relatively constant as the model size increases. Notice that the column order values can have gaps, allowing ranges to be used to always place columns at the end, even when used by multiple derived types. An alternative is to keep using DbContext.OnConfiguring, but accept a DbConnection that is saved and then used in DbContext.OnConfiguring. Failure is handled in much the same way as success, but in the ISaveChangesInterceptor.SaveChangesFailed or ISaveChangesInterceptor.SaveChangesFailedAsync method. in some situations the access token may not be cached automatically the Azure Token Provider. All the normal reference and collection navigations have been fixed up to match these FK values. SQLitePCL.raw version 2.0.0 includes some breaking changes. For example: Notice that this time all three migrations were applied, since none of them had yet been applied to the production database. Breaking changes rev2022.11.7.43011. For example: On SQL Server, the table generated is now: This moves the FistName and LastName columns are moved to the top, even though they are defined in a base type. EF Core This change was made because client-generated string/byte[] values generally aren't useful, and the default behavior made it hard to reason about generated key values in a common way. EF Core Before EF Core 6.0, this was translated to the following on SQL Server: This translation has been improved for EF Core 6.0 to: A new method ToInMemoryQuery can be used to write a defining query against the in-memory database for a given entity type. Using this package with previous versions of EF Core was cumbersome due to a namespace clash for the async LINQ methods. This change was made to drive better application code through exposing this pathological case more explicitly. This change can break an application if an entity type is configured to use generated keys but key values are explicitly set for new instances. Notice that the interceptor throws if a sync call is made to open the connection. This means HasColumnOrder can be used to override ordering made with attributes, including resolving any conflicts when attributes on different properties specify the same order number. Avoid manipulating both navigations and FK values. Would a bicycle pump work underwater, with its air-input being above water? This might pose a problem when attaching entities if they don't have an id property on the .NET type to store the value. Before EF Core 3.0, the same entity instance would be used for every occurrence of an entity with a given type and ID. Storing the values as TEXT is more natural and makes the database more compatible with other technologies. Using compiled models brings this down to 117 milliseconds on the same hardware. For example, replacing most of the Contact document for an author: Before and after EF For example: As mentioned above, Rainbow Dash was deleted from the Employees table. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. For example, iterating through the customers and checking if the Address is null: Consider instead the case where no property off the address is required: Now it is possible to save both a customer with no address, and a customer with an address where all the address properties are null: However, in the database, these two cases are indistinguishable, as we can see by directly querying the database columns: For this reason, EF Core 6.0 will now warn you when saving an optional dependent where all of its properties are null. Breaking them out into a new abstract base class will make it easier to make these kind of changes without breaking existing extensions. The old behavior was very confusing, especially when reading the configuration code and looking for errors. Action Filters Implementation. When building a model for the Cosmos provider, EF Core 6.0 will mark child entity types as owned by their parent entity by default. Similar queries can be written using TemporalFromTo, TemporalBetween, or TemporalContainedIn. This becomes even more tricky where the optional dependent itself acts a a principal for a further optional dependent, also mapped to the same table. For example: This change brings consistency to naming in this area, and also clarifies that this is the name of the foreign key constraint, and not the column or property name that the foreign key is defined on. For example, by creating a DbSet property for the entity type: EntityTypeConfigurationAttribute types will not be automatically discovered in an assembly. Transactions allow several database operations to be processed in an atomic manner. Select the ASP.NET Core Web Application project template. For example, to switch logging of SQL to Debug, explicitly configure the level in OnConfiguring or AddDbContext: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, LINQ queries are no longer evaluated on the client, The EF Core command-line tool, dotnet ef, is no longer part of the .NET Core SDK, DetectChanges honors store-generated key values, FromSql, ExecuteSql, and ExecuteSqlAsync have been renamed, Query types are consolidated with entity types, Entity Framework Core is no longer part of the ASP.NET Core shared framework, Cascade deletions now happen immediately by default, Eager loading of related entities now happens in a single query, DeleteBehavior.Restrict has cleaner semantics, Configuration API for owned type relationships has changed, Each property uses independent in-memory integer key generation, No-tracking queries no longer perform identity resolution, FromSql method when used with stored procedure cannot be composed, FromSql methods can only be specified on query roots, Temporary key values are no longer set onto entity instances, Dependent entities sharing the table with the principal are now optional, All entities sharing a table with a concurrency token column have to map it to a property, Owned entities cannot be queried without the owner using a tracking query, Inherited properties from unmapped types are now mapped to a single column for all derived types, The foreign key property convention no longer matches same name as the principal property, Database connection is now closed if not used anymore before the TransactionScope has been completed, Throw if multiple compatible backing fields are found, Field-only property names should match the field name, AddDbContext/AddDbContextPool no longer call AddLogging and AddMemoryCache, AddEntityFramework* adds IMemoryCache with a size limit, DbContext.Entry now performs a local DetectChanges, String and byte array keys are not client-generated by default, Lazy-loading proxies no longer assume navigation properties are fully loaded, Excessive creation of internal service providers is now an error by default, New behavior for HasOne/HasMany called with a single string, The return type for several async methods has been changed from Task to ValueTask, The Relational:TypeMapping annotation is now just TypeMapping, ToTable on a derived type throws an exception, EF Core no longer sends pragma for SQLite FK enforcement, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite now depends on SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_sqlite3, Guid values are now stored as TEXT on SQLite, Char values are now stored as TEXT on SQLite, Migration IDs are now generated using the invariant culture's calendar, Extension info/metadata has been removed from IDbContextOptionsExtension, LogQueryPossibleExceptionWithAggregateOperator has been renamed, Clarify API for foreign key constraint names, IRelationalDatabaseCreator.HasTables/HasTablesAsync have been made public, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design is now a DevelopmentDependency package, NetTopologySuite updated to version 2.0.0, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is used instead of System.Data.SqlClient, Multiple ambiguous self-referencing relationships must be configured, DbFunction.Schema being null or empty string configures it to be in model's default schema, SQL Server 2008 is no longer a supported product. EF Core now allows an entity type to be mapped to both a table and a view simultaneously, so ToView is no longer a valid indicator that it should be ignored by migrations. For example: Because of these limitations, you should only use compiled models if your EF Core startup time is too slow. Entity Framework Core (EF Core) represents relationships using foreign keys. Calls to ToString() are now translated to SQL when using the SQLite database provider. Install Entity Framework Core. If an entity is tracked, any changes detected in the entity will be persisted to the database during SaveChanges().EF Core will also fix up navigation properties between the entities in a tracking query result and the entities that are In this article. SQLite is a little bit different since database access is typically just accessing a file. Setting up your database system. The migration ID can be found in the Migration attribute in the migrations' designer files. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Examples are found in the many implementations of IDbContextOptionsExtension for different kinds of extensions in the EF Core source code. Note that just creating a DbContext instance does not cause the EF model to be initialized. At this point, the application could simply inform the user that the update was not successful due to conflicting changes and move on. For example, the TaggedOn property can be configured to use a store-generated timestamp when each new entity is inserted: A post can now be tagged in the same way as before: Looking at the change tracker debug view after calling SaveChanges shows that the payload property has been set appropriately: Following on from the previous example, let's add a payload property that does not use an automatically generated value: A post can now be tagged in the same way as before, and the join entity will still be created automatically. This tutorial uses SQLite because it runs on all platforms that .NET Core supports. EF Core Generated Values For example: It's important to remember that the OwnsOne/OwnsMany configuration must be used if you need to further configure these owned types. EF Core can only track one instance of any entity with a given primary key value. 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